Poet fights apartheid with his pen


Poet fights apartheid with his pen
Mr Breyten Breytenbach, the Afrikaans poet, who arrived here on Sunday after being unexpectedly freed from prison in South Africa, said yesterday that he would not continue his political fight against apartheid.
"I realize that I am not a politician," he said in an television interview. "But my whole life is against this type of situation, this type of ideology, in my private and professional life, as a poet and painter."
Asking if he would continue his struggle through his poems and paintings, Mr Breytenbach said: "Yes, that will be my way."
Mr Breytenbach, aged 44, was released on Thursday after serving seven years of a nine-year sentence on charges of plotting to overthrow the South African Government. At his trial he had admitted actively supporting the banned African National Congress.
Looking fit and well, Mr Breytenbach said that he had seven years of poetry written in prison which he hoped to prepare for publication.
Bibliographic Citation
"Poet fights apartheid with his pen (1982-12-07)", The Times, 1982-12-07, p. 6.
Accessed 2019-06-29. http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/CS101944199/GDCS?u=linc74325&sid=GDCS&xid=60851a55.
News Item Type
News Report
The Times
7 December 1982
People referenced
Breytenbach, Breyten