Non-whites harbour deep suspicion


Non-whites harbour deep suspicion
[Excerpt]: "What I found most disheartening was the deep if understandable suspicion harboured by the non-white cricket authorities towards their white counterparts. It was as a result of this that they turned dow the South African Cricket Association's offer of about 25.000 to help them with their cricket.... A non-white team had just toured Kenya with considerable success and by doing well against Worrell's side they could have silenced, forever those who say that their cricketers are no good and that D'Oliveira is a flash in the pan. But the opportunity was missed. Since then the S.A.B.O.C. have suspended contact with SANROC. "I know and like Denis Brutus," said one of them, "but he sees in everything a political implication." ..."
Bibliographic Citation
"Non-whites harbour deep suspicion (1970-02-06)", The Times, 1970-02-06, p. 14.
Accessed 2019-12-17.
News Item Type
News Report
The Times
6 February 1970
People referenced
D'Oliveira, Basil Lewis
Worrell, Frank
Woodcock, John
Brutus, Dennis Vincent