London Diary


London Diary
President Senghor of Senegal, who left London yesterday after a conspicuously successful five-day official visit, had a lively discussion on English and French literature with the Queen at a luncheon party in his honour. Both agreed that State duties made it difficult to devote as much time to reading as they would wish. The President said he insisted on spending from 9 to 11 each morning at his books. M. Senghor, an outstanding French poet, is an admirer of Stephen Spender and Dylan Thomas and has translated both into French. He would like to do the same with T. S. Eliot but finds him "too difficult for translation." He hopes the British Council will send poets and writers on lecture tours of Senegal. President Senghor was captured while fighting with the French Resistance. A brilliant linguist, he became the prison camp's interpreter.
Bibliographic Citation
"London Diary (1961-10-29)", The Sunday Times, 1961-10-29, p. 6 .
Accessed 2019-06-29.
News Item Type
News Report
The Sunday Times
People referenced
Spender, Stephen
Thomas, Dylan
Eliot, Thomas Stearns 'T. S.'
Senghor, Léopold Sédar