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A collection of news items related to president.


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  • The Lyrics of the President
    "This appears to be the first book-length study of President Senghor's poetry available in English. That fact alone is surprising, when one reflects that the past few years have seen the appearance of studies of Chinua Achebe, Christopher Okigbo, Wole Soyinka (three), Mongo Beti, and Peter Abrahams...Nevertheless, his book has the important merits of being pleasant to read, freshly written, free from any thesis-like fussiness and innocent of obscurity."
  • Poet among the Presidents of Africa
    John Dickie and Alan Rake created a compendium of information about leaders and Presidents of different African nations, which critic John Young calls "useful and surprisingly readable."
  • Focus on a medieval African civilization
    "Scores of African scholars, including Leopold Senghor, a poet and Senegal's President, are assembling in London today for a conference on the medieval Manding Empire of Mali. They will be joined by specialists in African studies." The article continues to discuss the need to study and expand the research in studies of Manding civilization of West Africa.